We have added new pages to our website! You can now get directly to a newly posted podcast, a specific podcast you want to hear, or a playlist or category within a podcast.
Both podcasts, TrailBlazers Impact and Community TrailBlazers, are available for your listening pleasure.
We have also added a Nan In the News feature for her media publications, from e-magazine centerfold to a guest on podcasts.
Coming soon will be links to Nan's new free webinar, Gold in the Golden Years, focused on women over 50 who want to start or grow a business they love to make their own gold!
Nan's new book, Gold in the Golden Years, will be released soon, and she will have a course with an easy-to-follow blueprint called the SOAR Launch Method to give you practical and relevant information to start a business from the ground up. Her SOAR formula takes you from choosing the right business for you to how to set up and manage your business to branding, marketing, and promoting an online business.
Start here with her 10 Tips to Pivot to Entrepreneurship! It's free. If you want to be heard and seen, make a difference in the world, and make money through a business as you grow older, this e-book will start to focus you in the right direction.