
Do you love to listen to podcasts? Just put the audio bug in your ear while you get some work done? Or do you love to take a break and just relax to listen to a podcast? Our podcasts feature stories about trailblazing women and men who have made a difference in our world.

Trailblazers Impact

In "Trailblazers Impact," we delve into the captivating stories of women from the tumultuous 1950s and 1960s, who stared down the face of gender and racial discrimination. Their legacies still reverberate today, influencing their descendants, some of whom have become the top 40 under 40 contributors within their communities.

You'll also get served practical entrepreneurial 'how-to's', carefully curated from these tales of success, offering a bridge from historical wisdom to modern-day strategies. Let these stories guide your entrepreneurial journey!

Find us on Apple Podcasts today >


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Community Trailblazers

Journey into the heart of housing and community development's evolution in the United States! Standing tall on the shoulders of dedicated men and women, our show delves into their exceptional contributions to affordable housing and community development across the country.

Through their vibrant stories, we unveil a living history that provides a human-centric perspective on the shaping of our cities and the transformation of housing within them. These narratives are not only recounting historical progress but also breathing life into the tapestry of our urban landscapes.

The "Community TrailBlazers" podcast is more than just a collection of stories; it is a celebration of the people who have tirelessly worked to shape our communities as they are today. Join us as we honor their contributions, learn from their experiences, and continue their legacy of building better communities for all.

Find us on Apple Podcasts today >

Our podcasts are found on most podcast channels.
Our videos are found on YouTube.

Check out the full story behind each interview . . .

TrailBlazers Impact Interviews
Community TrailBlazers Interviews

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Nan McKay


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