Watch our YouTube video interview with Toni Brattin on how she got her big break with 7 minutes on the Home Shopping Network. She is now on TV Shopping Channels in the US, The Shopping Channel-Canada, and the QVC-United Kingdom!
She launched her first big secret, a new concept in self-tanning. Toni was a natural, and a TV spokeswoman was born. Today, Toni continues to grow her Beauty Secrets line, from Tan Secret and Tan Fabulous Sunless Self-Tanners to the most recognized line of faux hairpieces and wigs in the industry, Hair Fabulous. Toni specializes in specific cosmetics and continually brainstorms for her next Beauty Secret. But her passion remains helping women look and feel their very best and solving the problems that all women endure. Sponsored by the Economic Institute for the Empowerment of Women. IEEW Podcasts