Ep. 159 - Are you taking the action to live the life you want to live? To balance your life and work whether you work from home or from the office? Our guest today coaches women to focus on what they want to do as they grow their business. Monika Moss-Gransberry is an entrepreneur, business coach, author, organizational consultant, and founder of MKM management consulting. For 30 years, she has dedicated her talents to transforming organizations and building the capacity of individuals in them. In this episode, Monika talks about the organizational work she does and how her business virtually pivoted during the pandemic. Listen in to learn the importance of getting a coach to help you navigate your life while scaling your business. You will also learn how to pivot to what you truly want to do during and after the pandemic.
Key Takeaways:
- How to plan a life that will sustain you after retiring from what you’re doing now
- Learn to prioritize yourself before anyone else and do what will make you enjoy life
- How to grow your business balance and be better in your personal life by getting a coach
- How to focus and pivot to what you really want to do during and after the pandemic
- Take small steps of treating yourself with care and grace to make a difference in your life
"You can do whatever you put your mind to, no matter what obstacle may seem to be in the way." - Monika Moss-Gransberry
In this episode you’ll discover:
Monika describes one of the most defining moments in her organization [1:04]
The type of strategic organizational work Monika does and the technology they use [2:12]
She describes when and how she got involved with Gestalt Organizational Systems Development [3:27]
How they navigated the virtual world of Zoom during the pandemic [5:29]
She narrates a story of a former coaching client who she helped rediscover life after retiring [7:47]
The importance of finding ways to enjoy your life by prioritizing yourself [9:28]
How she actionably coaches her clients to lead better lives while growing their business [13:31]
Monika’s observation on how people’s childhood affects who they become [18:37]
She describes her career and how her early childhood contributed to that journey [19:41]
How women are pivoting after the pandemic to balance life and work [24:10]
Monika on what she wants to accomplish with what she’s doing right now [27:07]
Understanding that you can do whatever you put your mind to [30:08]
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry, best-selling author, self-mastery coach, and organizational consultant serves as President/CEO of MKM Management Consulting. She has dedicated her talents to helping organizations and individuals create powerful roadmaps to their vision. Monika is committed to partnering with others to make a difference by supporting the transformation of individuals and organizations for more than 30 years. Ms. Moss has trained and facilitated thousands of individuals and consulted hundreds of organizations across the United States and abroad. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in strategic planning, facilitation, meeting design, group dynamics, cultural competency, and community building. She has worked with organizations of all sizes from small grassroots all-volunteer groups to large multi-national organizations with over 4000 employees in 54 countries around the world and has led multi-stakeholder community strategic planning initiatives. Her collaborative style and hands-on management experience with nonprofit organizations, government, small businesses, and their leaders ensure that the goals and outcomes of every project are met.
A scholar and practitioner, Monika K. Moss-Gransberry, is a master facilitator and Gestalt practitioner and a generalist with expertise in personal self-mastery, aging, arts & culture, change management, community development, education, health care, marketing, leadership development, nonprofit management, organizational systems development, small business development, spiritual transformation, and youth development. Monika has a gentle style that is straightforward, compassionate, practical, and holistic. One of her gifts is the ability to make the complex simple. She holds space and supports each client tackling the big business strategy issues and then breaking those strategies down so the client’s goals become inevitable. Monika is a certified Gestalt Practitioner and Coach at the Gestalt OSD Center. She is a certified facilitator by the Institute of Cultural Affairs using the ToP Technology group facilitation and strategic planning methods. She has training in whole-scale change, open space, Diversity Leadership, and other meeting and professional development processes. She has taught at Cleveland State University, Fordham University, and the Gestalt Organizational and Systems Development Center. Ms. Moss holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Howard University and Columbia University, respectively.
Ms. Moss holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Howard University and Columbia University, respectively.
Ms. Moss-Gransberry has taught as an adjunct professor at several universities including Fordham University and Cleveland State University and currently serves on the faculty of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Initiative both the Cleveland and the National Programs and as Chair of the Gestalt OSD Weekend Program and as faculty on several other Gestalt OSD Center Programs. She is a 2007 graduate of Leadership Cleveland and involved with numerous community, professional, and civic organizations.

Bonnie Marcus