Three of our guests are producing or speaking at events this week!
Join Bill Barberg (Coping In Crisis), Jennifer Brown (TrailBlazers Impact) and Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai (TrailBlazers Impact and Peace Through Business) on Zoom events! Advancing Your Community's ACEs & Resilience Strategy, Preventing and Addressing Homelessness, Beyond Diversity Summit, Eagle Online Academy Virtual Evening and Fundraiser . . . Link to our EVENTS page for MORE INFORMATION!
Jan 26 2-3 PM CST: Advancing Your Community's ACEs & Resilience Strategy (Guest: Bill Barberg, Coping in Crisis Podcast)
This webinar will focus on how two regions built on the pre-launch program for the ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC) to advance their regional strategies to transform the family justice system as part of a larger ACEs and Resilience strategy.
Registration: https://improvepophealth.org/events/2021/1/26/aces-strategy
January 28 2-3 PM CST: Preventing and Addressing Homelessness: Panel plus Interactive Q&A (Guest: Bill Barberg, Coping in Crisis Podcast)
This panel will discuss innovations or ways to address key challenges that communities face when striving to address homelessness.
Registration: https://improvepophealth.org/events/2021/1/28/addressing-homelessness
January 26-29: Beyond Diversity Summit (Guest: Jennifer Brown, Speaker, TrailBlazers Impact Podcast)
This virtual summit is dedicated to transforming well-intentioned conversation into real action and meaningful change.
Registration: https://www.nonobviousdiversity.com/
January 29 5:30-7 PM EST: Eagle Online Academy Virtual Evening and Fundraiser (Guest: Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai, TrailBlazers Impact Podcast and Peace Through Business Podcast)
The evening includes virtual fundraising and support for Eagle Online Academy to bring online education to empower women and young girls in war country zones like Afghanistan.
Registration: https://betterunite.com/EagleOnlineAcademy-eagleonlineacademyvirtualeveningfundraiser