Ep. 169 – Joanna Bloor - Who is the now you? Who is the future you? Your potential, your possibilities, who you will be tomorrow? Making these decisions transforms how you introduce and talk about yourself. You will love Joanna Bloor’s stories of CBS, Ted Talks, Microsoft, and Cinderella as a transformation fairy godmother of the future you and your potential. Joanna Bloor describes herself as potentialist, adventurer, and aspiring fairy godmother. She believes that it’s time for us humans to rethink how we take on the modern working world. Joanna is on a mission to identify and articulate people’s human value and their place in the next chapter of the working world. In this episode, Joanna describes how she ‘accidentally’ became an entrepreneur, plus how she now transforms how people approach work. Listen in to learn how to teach to empower your potential customers before trying to sell them your product. You will also learn how to show up with confidence and authenticity to find success as an entrepreneur in your 50s.
Key Takeaways:
- How not to necessarily use technology as your only path to success in your business
- Teach to empower your clients with your product instead of trying to sell to them
- How to show up with confidence and authenticity for people to value what you bring
- Utilize different tech tools and leverage those knowledgeable than you to brand your business
- Finding a community that thinks like you to support you in your ambitions other than your family
"People need to see you, to choose you. You need to have the confidence to be seen."
"Every decision made about you and your opportunities is made in a room you're not in." -Joanna Bloor
A professional adventurer and “startup junkie,” Joanna spent most of her career scaling brands such as perpetual adventurer and self-described “startup junkie,” Joanna spent her early career scaling and building brands like Ticketmaster, Cars.com, Open Table, and Pandora.
Known for building teams, infrastructure, and revenue strategies through their moments of accelerating growth and rapid change, Joanna did so in environments where there were no rulebooks, no career paths, no precedents of how things “should” be done. Joanna’s a veteran of playing in the undefined future.
Then life threw a surprise at her, and she found herself at the beginning of a new adventure. The new journey led to a fateful conversation in line at the TED 2016 Conference that planted the idea for everything you see today and the idea that every one of you IS awesome and “that we just need to tell everyone else.”
YouTube Channel for Joanna Bloor