Trailblazers Impact Interviews

In TrailBlazers Impact Interviews, women and men share their struggles and secrets to success in stories about their journey. Some came from rough beginnings - but made it anyway. These stories make you realize it is possible to prevail even in the face of age or gender bias and/or racial discrimination and to blaze your own trail when there is no clear path ahead. If they can do it, so can you . . . by following their light . . . and then creating light for the person behind you.

Denise Patterson McKenney Podcast

How to WIN! Ep. 120 - Denise Patterson McKenney is a success story in how to negotiate a win/win which is really how to WIN! Have you ever wanted to win an argument so bad you could practically taste it? Have you ever laid awake at night thinking of what ...
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Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai Podcast

Empowering Women in Afghanistan Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai Ep. 118 - Are you courageous? Imagine yourself walking down a street in Afghanistan. You have to be accompanied by a male relative. As you walk along, the potential of a bomb exploding is very real. How do you economically and socially empower ...
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Linda Dupre Hull Podcast

Social Security at 62 or 65? Ep. 56 - Linda Dupre Hull, age 67, provides powerful insights in her podcast into a childhood where at age 12 she became a partner with her father in developing the family budget and managing the family finances out of the necessity of ensuring ...
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Write Your Memoirs: Karen Kendra

Just Do It! Write Your Story! Karen Kendra Ep. 117 - How are you planning to re-fire after your retirement? Perhaps, find a new second career that you're passionate about and will help you continue building your legacy and impacting others? Karen Kendra loves writing and says "Write Your Memoirs!" ...
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Robin “R.D.” Kardon Podcast

A Woman in the Cockpit Captain's Chair Robin "R.D." Kardon Ep. 25 - In the 1960's Robin wanted to be an astronaut. Her mother gave her the bad news that girls could not grow up to be astronauts. She studied journalism but instead of becoming a writer, she went to ...
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Mindy Bortness Podcast

As You Spend Your Days Is How You Spend Your Life!   Mindy Bortness Ep. 8 - How do you handle major life challenges? Do you turn to anger or faith and positivity to help you get through that season? In one way all the other, we all have a ...
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Increase Performance with DEI Podcast: Cathy Light

Increase Your Business Performance by Including Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Cathy Light Ep. 116 - How are you exercising diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization? Every employee deserves to be treated with dignity and to feel safe in the workplace environment regardless of their race, gender, or sexuality. But ...
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Desiree Doubrox Podcast

An Empowered Woman Does Her Homwork Desiree Doubrox Ep. 18 - How often do you act on finding a solution when you see a need? The difference between entrepreneurs and others is that an entrepreneur sees a problem, finds a solution, and a way to monetize that solution while others ...
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Protecting LGBTQ Rights: Cathy Gibson

Protecting LGBTQ Rights Early On athy Gibson Ep. 17 - Some women fought and advocated for equality and inclusion over the years for women today to enjoy. Cathy is one of those women who began protecting LGBTQ rights early on in her life. Cathy Gibson is a woman who is ...
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Frances Johnson Podcast

Against the Odds: Business, Divorce, and Death Frances Johnson Ep. 19 - Frances Johnson has been kicked down and arisen back like a Phoenix through the ashes. Against the odds, she has survived business, divorce and death challenges. Do a lot of research to collect all the needed information and ...
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Emily Loya Podcast

Lost My Dad to the Bermuda Triangle Emily Loya Ep. 28 - The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. ...
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Why Black Lives Matter Too: DeLois Strum Podcast

Racial and Gender Equality DeLois "Dee Dee" Strum Ep. 115 -  Listen to learn WHY Black lives matter! It is important to believe that change will happen if we continue advocating for it as leaders. The American society needs economic, social, and policy changes in order to give everyone regardless ...
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