Trailblazers Impact Interviews

In TrailBlazers Impact Interviews, women and men share their struggles and secrets to success in stories about their journey. Some came from rough beginnings - but made it anyway. These stories make you realize it is possible to prevail even in the face of age or gender bias and/or racial discrimination and to blaze your own trail when there is no clear path ahead. If they can do it, so can you . . . by following their light . . . and then creating light for the person behind you.

How to Promote Yourself without the Fear of Judgment | Gill Whitty-Collins

Purse Power Ep. 201 - Gill Whitty Collins spent 26 years with Procter & Gamble (P&G), latterly as Senior Vice President, running leading global brands such as Olay, Always, and Pantene. What Gill has experienced, witnessed, and learned about gender equality as a woman in senior management will resonate with people, ...
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Golf Instead of Guns | Paula Pearson Tucker

Fore Life, Inc. Ep. 59 - Mentoring and building kids' characters with golfing for the last 23 years, Paula Pearson-Tucker uses her skills to empower young people from the black community to embrace golf. Paula Pearson-Tucker is a role model for kids, passionate about teaching kids golf and ensuring her ...
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How to Find Calm in The Chaos | Amy Arvary | Purse Power

Purse Power Ep. 199 - Amy Arvary - Have you been struggling to find calm with all the chaos that came with the pandemic? Amy Arvary shares her guided mediation process that will enable you to find calm in the chaos when you incorporate it into your routines.  Amy Arvary ...
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How to Pivot from Nursing to Tech Marketing | Karlene Hibbert

Onyx Marketing Mix Ep. 198 - Would you like to do something totally different in your life? Karlene Hibbert pivoted from nursing to tech marketing. She describes her expertise in chatbot and webinar marketing and shares some valuable business tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. Karlene is a funnel strategist and the Founder ...
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How to Be an Empowerment Connector | Tiara M Tucker

Tiara PR Network Ep. 197 - A dynamic dynamo, Tiara Tucker bursts onto the entrepreneur scene with Tiara PR Network . . .  while maintaining a full-time job! She was selected as one of the 40 under 40 - and who is surprised about that? Listen to how she does ...
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How to Use Assessments and Coaching in Leadership | Nancy Parsons | Purse Power

Purse Power Ep. 196 - Do you have a fear to get started as a virtual coach? Nancy Parsons can help you! Nancy Parsons is an expert in leadership development, talent management, human resources, and assessments. She is also the CEO/President of CDR Assessment Group, Inc. (CDR) that she co-founded with ...
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How to Advocate for the Healthcare You Deserve | Robin Shapiro

HealthAdvocateX Ep. 195 - Robin Shapiro is the founder of many for-profit and non-profit organizations all having to do with health advocacy. Robin is currently Board Chair of HealthAdvocateX, a national non-profit dedicated to helping people transform from patients to active participants and partners in their own care.  She's also ...
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Ready, Set, Grit – Three Steps to Success | Elin Barton

White Knight Productions Ep. 194 - Elin Barton - When you have to make it happen, you find a way to make it happen. Are you being authentic and vulnerable in how you're telling your brand's story? Elin shares with us her own entrepreneurial journey and how she helps small ...
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The Art of Organizing High-Paced White House Events | Ellie Schafer | Purse Power

Purse Power Ep. 193 - Ellie Schafer served as a special assistant to President Barrack Obama and as director of the white house of visitors' office in Washington DC from 2009 to 2017. As head of the firm, Ellie sharpened her skills in field organizing and media relations and gained a ...
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How to Lead Rwandan Women to Entrepreneurship | Chantal Munanayire

Entrepreneurial Tips Ep. 192 - Chantal Munanayire - Would you be able to start a business in a country with a history of genocide? Is it harder to start a business in Africa than in the U.S.? Chantal Munanayire describes how training women on entrepreneurship has enabled many Rwandan women to ...
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How to Take Care of Yourself as a Caregiver | Gayle Messmann

    Purse Power Ep. 191 - Gayle Messerman - Are you a caregiver to someone? How are you taking care of yourself in addition to the other person? There is no sugar coating it. Taking good care of a loved one is hard. Gayle Messman is the Chief Service Officer ...
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Empowering Dads to Eliminate Fatherlessness | Justin Batt

    Daddy Saturday Podcast Ep. 190 - Justin Batt is on a mission to end the cycle of fatherlessness through events and experiences. He created a Daddy Saturday platform which has turned into a movement to help fathers around the globe be intentional and engaged with their children, to change ...
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